Tamra Swann

Tamra Swann, Director (2023-2026)

Distance Education Coordinator
Mississippi State University

Tamra has been a member of the Continued Professional Development since 2015.  During that time she has served on the board and has assisted as the CPDD Program Chair for the CIEC multiple times.  She is currently serving on the board as a director, is the Special Interest Group Chair, and is the Assistance General Conference Chair for the CIEC in 2024 and the General Conference Chair in 2025.

Tamra has 20 years of experience in distance and online education as a coordinator at Mississippi State University. She has worked in the Bagley College of Engineering Dean’s Office since 2014 specifically in engineering online education.  She assists with program development, distance classroom assignments, and manages the Master of Engineering program on behalf of the Dean’s Office.  She also assists with faculty training in online education for the college. She has a degree in Communication and a Master’s in Agriculture and Extension Education.