Dr. Douglas “Doug” Ernie – University of Minnesota
Doug has provided outstanding leadership and service to CPDD. “Getting things done” is one of his strengths and his legacy to the Division. Doug has served as the Program Chair representing CPDD for two National Conferences: Columbus, OHIO 2017 and Salt Lake City, UTAH 2018. In addition, he was the first to host the “faculty breakfast” at ASEE.
Doug has served faithfully on the CPD Special Interest group representing Faculty for almost 10 years. He has attended all CIEC meetings and facilitated the Faculty SIG sessions to identify significant issues that would become presentations topics for the following year’s CIEC programs. To further the discussion about the SIG Faculty Group, the mission of the Faculty Group SIG per the CPDD website is as follows: Members interested in the issues relative to the education and training of engineering and technology professionals through continuing engineering education programs with an emphasis on andragogical learning strategies, course development and other issues related to the education of adult learners. Doug is a firm believer in this mission. In his work with the annual meeting, he has provided opportunities for faculty to present their papers at the sessions sponsored by CPD.
One way to provide outstanding service to the continuing professional development of engineers is by ensuring that the faculty teaching in these programs are the best they can be. Doug has exemplified this outstanding teaching in his own career. His university has recognized his commitment to teaching by awarding him two teaching awards, a mentor award, and a distinguished service award. In his work with the UNITE Distributed Learning at the University of Minnesota, Doug has a long history of helping working professionals advance their skillsets. His work with UNITE demonstrates Doug’s strong belief in customer service, a criterion listed in the call for nominations for the Biedenbach award, by acting as the liaison between UNITE training directors and University of Minnesota faculty, arranging student counseling at the companies, and responding to inquiries from companies interested in joining UNITE. His work has allowed practicing engineers and engineering technologists to advance their education in schedules and formats that accommodate their schedules.
Doug’s warmth and friendly demeanor have allowed newcomers to the field to believe they have a role to play in starting their contributions to the field of continuing professional development of engineers and technologists. He exemplifies the “talent for working with people and living life in high gear generating ideas” just as Joe Biedenbach exemplified.