Special Interest Groups (SIGS)

What are SIG’s (Special Interest Groups)?

The Continuing Professional Development Division of ASEE has many diverse members from business, industry, government and academic institutions around the world. Groups have been formed in five areas based on member interest:  Administration, Delivery, Faculty, Industry and International.

SIG – Administration
Members who are involved with the administrative aspects of development /delivery of credit and non-credit courses in science, technology, engineering and math fields.           

SIG – Delivery
Members from education and industry interested in the technical issues associated with the development and delivery of distributed/distance learning programs.

SIG – Faculty
Members interested in the issues relative to the education and training of engineering and technology professionals through continuing engineering education programs with emphasis on andragogical learning strategies, course development and other issues related to the education of adult learners.

SIG – Industry
Members of business and industry are responsible for the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of training and development programs for science, technology, engineering and math related occupations.

SIG – International
Members of education and industry interested in the unique aspects of delivering training and education in science, technology, engineering, and math-related occupations in the international arena.

SIG – Marketing 

Members interested in all aspects of marketing relative to the creation and delivery of all educational products targeted for adult learners.